Unlocking the Economic Potential of Central Georgia's Natural Resources

Discover the economic & environmental benefits of Central Georgia's natural resources: timber production, food production, minerals & more.

Unlocking the Economic Potential of Central Georgia's Natural Resources

We are dedicated to preserving the air and water quality and making the most of our resources for the benefit of Georgia's economy and citizens. Many Georgians take pleasure in outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, and boating, which is why they are more conscious of a clean environment than the average American. Georgia's landscape is diverse, ranging from mountains in the north to swamps and seashores in the south. This variety of terrain creates ideal conditions for agriculture, making agricultural land another of Georgia's natural resources.

The state is home to more than 0.42 million acres of lakes and over 70,000 miles of rivers and streams. Georgia's natural beauty is also a natural resource, bringing in millions of dollars in tourism revenue. Requests for permission to publish or reproduce the resource must be sent to the Georgia Department of Economic Development or the Georgia Archives. When soil nutrients in cotton-growing areas of east-central Georgia decreased, enslaved plantation owners sought out more fertile land in southwestern Georgia and other states further west. This migration of people was a result of the depletion of natural resources in east-central Georgia.

Georgia is home to a wealth of natural resources, including forests, lakes, rivers, farmland, fisheries, and minerals. These resources have been used for centuries by Georgians to sustain their livelihoods and create economic opportunities.

Economic Benefits of Natural Resources

The economic benefits of natural resources are numerous. Forests provide timber for construction and paper products, while lakes and rivers provide water for drinking, irrigation, and recreation.

Farmland produces food for consumption and export, while fisheries provide seafood for local consumption and export. Minerals such as gold, silver, copper, and iron ore are mined for use in manufacturing and construction. The economic benefits of natural resources extend beyond direct use. For example, forests provide habitat for wildlife that can be hunted or photographed by tourists. Lakes and rivers provide recreational opportunities such as fishing and boating that attract visitors from around the world.

Farmland provides open space that can be used for hiking or camping.

Environmental Benefits of Natural Resources

The environmental benefits of natural resources are just as important as their economic benefits. Forests help regulate air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen into it. Lakes and rivers provide habitat for fish and other aquatic life that would otherwise be lost due to pollution or development. Farmland helps prevent soil erosion by providing a buffer between land and water sources. The environmental benefits of natural resources extend beyond direct use.

For example, forests provide habitat for wildlife that can help maintain biodiversity in an area. Lakes and rivers provide clean drinking water for humans and animals alike. Farmland helps prevent soil erosion by providing a buffer between land and water sources.


Georgia's natural resources are an invaluable asset to its economy and environment. They provide economic benefits such as timber, food production, minerals, recreational opportunities, and tourism revenue.

They also provide environmental benefits such as air quality regulation, habitat protection, soil erosion prevention, and clean drinking water. The state has taken steps to protect its natural resources by creating laws that regulate their use. It is important that these laws are enforced so that future generations can continue to benefit from these resources.

Geoff Ritschard
Geoff Ritschard

Incurable social media advocate. Devoted web evangelist. Extreme social media expert. Evil coffee aficionado. Total thinker. Hardcore travel nerd.

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